Miley Cyrus had the Internet up in a twist and all atwitter on Sunday night with her performance at the MTV Video Music Awards show. In short: She ran through a medley of hits with Robin Thicke that involved lots of rear-end shaking and very few clothes. (You can check her performance over at MTV, although it might not be totally safe for the modern bottom-repressed workplace.)
While running amuck on stage, Miley also stuck out her tongue a lot -- which is something Miley is very fond of doing. To the point where it's hard to find a picture of her with her tongue safely tucked away. Science has yet to come up with a convincing explanation for Miley's tongue-out tendency, just as it also has yet to explain the average cat's propensity to also sticking out her tongue, especially when in the vicinity of a camera. You see where this one's going: Here's a gallery of cats who look like Miley, cribbed from the former Ms. Montana's social media outlets.
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